


Our Basic Policy Regarding Personal Information Protection (Privacy Policy)

Far Eastern Ishizuka Green PET Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) retains a large amount of personal information in connection with the Company’s business and in order to carry out its activities. The Company considers the protection of personal information to be an important responsibility, and has established the following privacy policy in order to gain the trust of information owners and society at large as it endeavors to protect personal information.

The Company will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and other norms, as well as the Company’s own rules and regulations, and will work to ensure that all personnel engaged in the Company’s business are fully aware of and familiar with such rules and regulations.

1. Appropriate collection, use, provision and outsourcing of personal information

(i) When collecting personal information, the Company will clearly state the purpose of use, collect information to the extent necessary, give notice of or publicly announce the purpose of use, and use the information within the scope of the stated purpose of use.

(ii) Personal information collected will not be provided or disclosed to third parties except in the following cases:
(1) When the consent of the person in question has been obtained in advance,
(2) Cases subject to the provisions of Article 23 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information,
(3) When provided or disclosed in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

(iii) When personal information is entrusted to a third party for use, the Company shall examine the appropriateness of such entrustment in light of the security control measures taken by the third party, and shall provide appropriate supervision of the entrusted party by, for example, entering into a confidentiality agreement with such third party before providing such information.

2. Personal information security control measures
The Company will make efforts on security measures by establishing internal regulations and safety measures to prevent and correct unauthorized access to personal information, or its leakage, loss, or damage.

3. Measures for improvement
The Company will strive to respond fittingly to changes in the social environment concerning the handling of personal information. The Company will also strive to improve the various rules and regulations including this policy by changing, modifying, or adding to them as necessary.

4. Response to requests for disclosure, correction, etc.
If you believe that the Company is not complying with this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to have your personal information disclosed, corrected, added or deleted, or to have its use discontinued, please contact the Company as indicated below. The Company will respond within a reasonable period of time and within appropriate bounds.

5. Processing of complaints
The Company will endeavor to process complaints regarding the handling of personal information in an appropriate and timely manner.

6. Continuous improvement and change
The Company will make efforts to continuously improve this Basic Policy by examining from time to time laws and regulations applicable to personal information, guidelines of various ministries and agencies, and the state of operation regarding the handling of personal information, and will implement changes to this Basic Policy as necessary.